Administrative Structure

The District has six counties, one Municipality with two divisions, seventeen (30) rural sub-counties, ten Town councils, One hundred eighty (180) parishes, and one thousand three hundred thirty seven (1,337) villages. The District Headquarters is located in Tororo Municipality, which is 214km from Kampala City.


Technical Leadership

  1. Chief Adminstrative Officer
  2. Deputy Chief Adminstrative Officer
  3. Assistant Chief Adminstrative Offier
  4. Principal Assistant Secretary
  5. Principal Human Resource Officer
  6. Senior Human Resource Offier
  7. Human resource officer
  8. District Health Officer
  9. Assistant District Officer In charge of Environmental Health
  10. Assistant DIstrict Officer In Charge of Maternal 
  11. Bisotatistician- Tororo
  12. District Planner
  13. District Statistician
  14. Assistant Statistical Officer
  15. District Engineer
  16. District Production and Marketing Officer
  17. District Commercial Officer
  18. District Natural Resource Officer
  19. Chief Finance Officer
  20. District Education Officer
  21. District Water officer
  22. Senior Porcument OFficer

Political Leadership

  1. District Chairperson
  2. Vice District Chairperson
  3. Secretary for Health and Education
  4. Secretary for Production and Marketing
  5. Secretary for Works and Technical Services

Central Government representatives

  1. Resident District Commissioner
  2. Deputy Resident District Commissioner
  3. District Internal Security Officer
  4. District Police Commander